Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Leftover Rice Pancakes English Simpal Recipes


English Simpal Recipes

Leftover rice pancakes are a delicious and simple way to repurpose English Simpal Recipes cooked rice. Here’s a straightforward recipe to make them:


  • Leftover cooked rice: 2 cups
  • All-purpose flour or rice flour: 1/2 cup
  • Onion: 1 medium, finely chopped
  • Green chilies: 2-3, finely Hindi Simpal Recipes chopped (adjust according to your spice preference)
  • Coriander leaves: 2 tablespoons, finely chopped
  • Cumin seeds: 1 teaspoon
  • Salt: as per taste
  • Water: as needed
  • Oil: for frying


  1. Prepare the Batter:

    • In a large mixing bowl, take the leftover cooked rice and mash it well with a fork or potato masher until it forms a coarse paste.
    • Add the chopped Marathi Simpale Recipes onion, green chilies, coriander leaves, cumin seeds, and salt to the mashed rice.
    • Mix everything together until well combined.
  2. Add Flour:

    • Gradually add the all-purpose flour or rice flour to the rice mixture. This helps bind the pancakes together. Adjust the quantity of flour as needed to get a thick batter consistency.
    • If the batter is too thick, add a little water to achieve a pouring consistency. Mix well to ensure there are no lumps.
  3. Make Pancakes:

    • Heat a non-stick pan or griddle over medium heat and add a little oil to coat the surface.
    • Pour a ladleful of the rice batter onto the hot pan and spread it gently to form a round pancake.
    • Cook on medium heat until the bottom side is golden brown and crisp, then flip carefully using a spatula.
    • Cook the other side until golden brown and crisp. Add more oil around the edges if needed.
    • Repeat the process with the remaining batter, adjusting the heat as necessary to prevent burning.
  4. Serve:

    • Once both sides of the pancake are cooked to a golden brown color and crisp texture, remove them from the pan and place them on a serving plate.
    • Serve hot with your favorite chutney, sauce, or yogurt.


  • You can customize the pancakes by adding vegetables like grated carrots, peas, or bell peppers to the batter.
  • Adjust the spice levels by varying the amount of green chilies or adding a pinch of red chili powder.
  • These pancakes are best enjoyed fresh and hot, but you can also store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator and reheat them in a toaster oven or microwave before serving.

Leftover rice pancakes are a great way to avoid food waste while creating a delicious and satisfying snack or meal. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors and ingredients to suit your taste preferences!

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