Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fish fingers with chipped potatoes and tartare sauce English Simpal Recipes

 English Simpal Recipes


  • 300g potatoes, peeled and sliced into thin chips (fries)
  • 4-6 fish fingers (you can use cod, haddock, or any firm white fish)
  • Salt and English Simpal Recipes pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs (you can use store-bought or homemade)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Oil for frying (vegetable oil or sunflower oil)
  • Lemon wedges, for serving

For Tartare Sauce:

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons chopped pickles or gherkins
  • 1 tablespoon capers, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Prepare Tartare Sauce:

    • In a small Hindi Simpale Recipes bowl, combine mayonnaise, chopped pickles or gherkins, capers, parsley, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Mix well and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  2. Prepare Potatoes:

    • Heat oil in a deep frying pan or fryer over medium-high heat.
    • Fry the potato chips in batches until golden brown and crispy. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Season with salt while still hot.
  3. Prepare Fish Fingers:

    • Season the fish Marathi Simpale Recipes fingers with salt and pepper.
    • Dip each fish finger into the beaten egg, then coat evenly with breadcrumbs, pressing gently to adhere.
    • Heat a little oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
    • Fry the fish fingers for about 3-4 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and cooked through. Drain on paper towels.
  4. Serve:

    • Arrange the crispy chipped potatoes and fish fingers on a plate.
    • Serve with tartare sauce on the side and lemon wedges for squeezing over the fish fingers.
    • Enjoy your delicious fish fingers with chipped potatoes and tartare sauce!


  • You can oven-bake the fish fingers and potatoes for a healthier option. Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F) and bake the fish fingers and potatoes on a baking tray lined with parchment paper until golden and crispy.
  • Customize the tartare sauce to your liking by adding ingredients such as chopped onions, mustard, or dill.

This recipe is simple to make and perfect for a quick and satisfying meal with a classic British twist!

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