Thursday, May 25, 2023

Papalet Amti Recipe

Material :-

  • Two papillates
  • Ten bedgi chilies
  • Five garlic cloves
  • Three or four Amsul
  • A spoonful of coriander
  • small onion
  • A teaspoon of turmeric
  • Coconut, salt
Action :-
  • After cutting the paplette pieces, wash it and apply salt and turmeric.
  • Divide the soaked coriander and chillies. Then finely chop turmeric, coriander, garlic, chillies in a mixer.
  • Add finely grated coconut, finely chopped onion to it.
  • Return the prepared portion to the oil. Then add some water and let it boil.
  • Gently drop the paplette pieces into it. Add some salt and cook for 8-10 minutes.
  • After adding chopped coriander and amsool, the taste increases more.

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